To enter the Grit Group


  1. Enrol with a starter pack and setup your LRP template to process between the 3rd and 13th of each month. You are free to choose whatever products you’d like to work with. doTERRA have a broad range of essential oils, as well as consumables for the whole Family to enjoy. 

  2. Your order must be to the value of 125PV (Product Value) or more. With this purchase you will receive a free product which is different each month. 

  3. A Class in a BOX (which is a kit of flyers, info cards, and 10 x 5ml wild orange bottles of essential oil) to use for teaching and sharing with your new customers. The kit is AUD$29 and is available in all markets in the local currency.

  4. Add a diffuser either via your doTERRA Starter Order OR please make sure to have one as this is one of the most impactful ways to use and experience your oils.

Total Investment: $200 - $300 AUD per month, which is a business expense.

The aim here is for you not only to pay for your orders per month, but also importantly, to build a thriving business that far surpasses this amount.

Access to the GRIT GROUP L&D COACHING PROGRAM is granted with the above.

How to purchase: 

Step 1. click ‘NEW / INACTIVE ACC’ above ⬆

Step 2. Choose your language and country of residence.

Step 3. Choose Wholesale customer.

Step 4. Select either a Family Essentials Starter Pack or Home Essentials Starter Pack. (And a diffuser if you like). Add to cart.

Step 5. Continue (you can also add additional products, such as the Add MetaPWR Advantage 30 x 6g sachets to your cart. Just type in the word “advantage” and add it to your cart)

Step 6. Fill out address information.

Step 7. Process Your Order!

Step 8. Setup your Loyalty Rewards Template to ship between the 3rd and 13th of next month. Follow along this GuideBook and feel free to msg me with any questions.

Once you’ve processed your order, and set up your LRP, then fill out the application form ⬇ click ‘APPLY FOR THE GRIT GROUP’ and I’lll be in touch to chat about all things business.

We are all SO excited to be creating this with you!