Arianna can see below the surface.


Balancing the spiritual/woo-woo with the proven and practical

Balancing the spiritual/woo-woo with the proven and practical - Arianna appears on the surface to be a conservative and elegant woman, not steeped in spiritual dogma, however 5 minutes into a conversation you will realise her sharp intellect and deep philosophical intent is supported by warmth, compassion and a truly authentic desire to help.

Combination of essential oils, rituals, protocols, breath-work, energy healing, medicine & coaching, Arianna uses tools, practices and emotional intelligence techniques to provide the broadest and most personalised approach to co-creating positive change.

Arianna can see below the surface.

She’ll see what you can’t and through persistent questioning and support to go deeper, she’ll help you to discover your own truths. It’s like she has an innate strength for knowing when there’s more to uncover. She’ll hold space for you to join her and her intuition and you will unpack things together.

Arianna doesn’t shy away from the difficult conversations. She delivers guidance and curiosity with the utmost respect, warmth and care - she’ll wrap her support around you like a warm blanket, providing a comfortable and safe environment from which to access your truth.


Note: due to the sensitive nature of this client’s testimonial, she preferred for us to keep her anonymous. The image we used is unsplash, to protect her privacy

Arianna Pienaar