I am able to make difficult decisions with more ease and inner peace.


Arianna helped me to emotionally prepare for how I can become less attached to the outcome of my infertility journey

Arianna is a great listener and coach/mentor.

She understands well what I got stuck and guided me to unwind my mental blockages.

After mentoring with Arianna, I am able to make difficult decisions with more ease and inner peace. She listened to my needs and provided her advice to help me move forward mentally.

I'll highly recommend Arianna!

Talking through some of the issues with Arianna that I never want to share with others helped me release some of the mental blockages.

Arianna helped me to emotionally prepare for how I can become less attached to the outcome of my infertility journey (no matter it's going to be successful or not).

Things can be difficult if they don't go the way I've planned, but conscious journaling, spiritual mentoring, and energy work with Arianna helped me to stay strong and find inner peace.

Note: due to the sensitive nature of this client’s testimonial, she preferred for us to keep her anonymous. The name we used is an alias, to protect her privacy

Arianna Pienaar