My thoughts about Lessons In Truth 2022 (the VIP 1:1 Experience)

“I signed up initially as I felt a call to work with Arianna.  It wasn’t a sensible thought or in any way prosaic, rather a feeling that hinted along the corners of my mind and whispered to me that I needed it.

A ‘tick box’ exercise that would allow me to learn more stuff, a pattern I have had all my life. The getting of stuff/things/knowledge - all of it in a bid to make me more successful in my role as a coach & counsellor.  Surely with all this additional acquired info I would be the best I could possibly be for my clients.

In short this is what happened, but it certainly didn’t happen in the way I had expected it to.

Funnily enough LIT has been my biggest lesson in life and this is what has surprised me the most.

Doing this course changed everything for me.  Sure for about 3/4 of the year I religiously crammed the information into the gaps in between everything else I was doing.  Trust me there was a lot going on in 2022!

I had an ever increasing workload, a sizeable responsibility of clients, a team to support & had signed myself up for no less than 5 courses.  Yes 5, and they were all lengthy ones that took up most of the year.

I was scattered, disjointed & struggling to understand the concepts that Arianna taught us.  I expended a lot of energy trying to figure it all out.  I felt like I was out of step with it and then the weirdest thing happened.  

Something shifted and a different set of thoughts landed in the recesses of my mind.  I didn’t pay heed all at once but I started to revisit the content in LIT.  It started to dawn on me that the truth was quite possibly to be learnt through the lessons in our lives,  by exploring the practices & topics Arianna raised to guide us. These were the VERY tools I needed in order gain the clarity I had been striving for.

Everything shifted.  Every.single.thing.

The speed at which I participated in my life slowed right down & the loose thoughts I had tapped into became brilliantly clear for me.  I took on these lessons with a renewed fervour.

I stopped working all the hours,  I shifted on clients elsewhere, I prioritised my family & started to give myself the space to just be and honoured my yearnings.

I started to run my life in a completely different way.  I calmed down, I read a lot more, I started to write again, I prepared properly for client sessions instead of bouncing from one to the next.  I began looking after me first so that I could give more fully.

It is is no small miracle but 

I am present in my own life & take up my prayers & faith practices as my priority.   That has been the Lessons In Truth.  It wasn’t the acquisition of another set of things but rather the embodiment of practices, ideas & thoughts that showed me just how much I actually needed to change my life.  

What a relief it is to embark into this new year knowing that I am able to really embrace the many lessons and make them part of my every day.

And how is it working for me - well I have just gone through a time that traditionally is problematic for most of my clients with a true sense of balance & peace.  I am not frantic, so my clients are not frantic……

For anyone considering learning more by doing Lessons In Truth, I would say don’t hesitate.  Be ready to unfold and you may just discover that you learn your biggest lessons too.

Lessons In Truth saved me from myself & has literally given me back my life. 

Arianna shares a wealth of knowledge.  She encourages thoughtful discussion & prompts the consideration of ideas outside of ourselves.  Arianna embodies the very truths she teaches.  She supports in the challenging times & offers another perspective on this gig we call life.  

What a rich & rewarding blessing to have been able to do Lessons In Truth.  I am filled with immense gratitude for my experience.”

Arianna Pienaar